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Dr. Sarah Sibson


Divergent Sage | Spiritual Rascal | Badass in Chief

The blend of my brand may seem dissonant to some, but that’s likely because it’s being interpreted through a dualistic lense. In reconnecting with my authentic self, I’ve come to appreciate that my catchphrase for this life is “Porque no los dos?”

Embracing that unique balance and opening up about all of my facets is the only way to walk my talk - especially when it comes to aspects which have brought me so much joy and are such profound parts of my transformation.

After fighting for systems change from the inside for over 20 years, I decided it was time to start creating the world I wanted to see instead. Turns out, mine has a zero-tolerance policy for harmful, narrow-minded, antiquated thinking and progress at a glacial pace. Quelle surprise (said no one who’s ever seen my ruling number 5)!

If my sassy, big-hearted, transparent, frequently obscene, scientific and yet blatantly mystical vibes are your jam - welcome, friend.

If you’re here because you’re wondering just how far off piste I’ve really gone, my answer to you is simple: “There is no spoon.” Make of The Matrix reference what you will.

I’m a general practitioner, an intuitive, a medical scientist, a budding numerologist, a space nerd, a meditator, a musician, an oracle deck collector, a writer, and so much more.

They’re all just labels. Don’t let your fear dictate which parts of you are allowed to shine.

Woman with dark brown hair and a knowing look, holding up a mug saying "first I drink the coffee, then I do the things"

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