Genuine Neurodivergent Reconnection
Pursuit of the Magick Within
Hey there, Divergonauts! My name is Sarah and I'm the Spicy mind at the heart of Doc Sibson Consulting.
I don't know about you, but everything in my life changed the moment I realised I was neurodivergent. A wave of knowing crashed through my system and joined the thousands of disjointed dots I’d collected over the 37 years it took to actually SEE myself.
While I may have intellectually had no f*cking clue who I was, my heart knew. At first it felt completely foreign to be led by the small, fierce voice in my centre that I’d come to reject, devalue, and blatantly ignore. But then something completely insane happened… I started to believe some of the kind things it had always hollered at me across the abyss I’d created between us. That’s when the true revolution began.
I learned that self-love isn’t selfish, it’s absolutely necessary if you want to have any hope of showing up for someone else from a place of genuine strength and unconditional love. I rarely end up in arguments these days, but that is one hill I’m still likely to die on at this stage - martyrdom will not bring you the harmony you seek.
If you’re ready to find out what that quiet, insistent pulse in your own chest has been broadcasting through the void, then it’s time to get radical. That means blocking out all the noise and turning up the volume on who you truly are: magical, Spicy stardust here to light this place up.Â
Twinkle, twinkle, witches! xoxo
View Mentorship ProgramThe path of one diverges into possibility for many...
Begin Your Journey Home Through the SpicyVerse
The Heart Knows the Way

A 9-week mentorship program designed to support neurodivergent people to live authentically by owning their differences and activating their superpowers. Though a combination of live, weekly session and practical tools and resources, you will build your knowledge of who you are without the layers of masking and people pleasing, and come away with a celestial blueprint that will act as a map to live your life fully.

Keeper of The Keys
Connect with the Akashic records to access deep insights and profound guidance. During a1:1 Akashic Records Reading, I act as a steward and conduit to connect you to your soul's wisdom.

Consultancy Services
Hire Dr. Sibson to speak at your next event or draw on her expertise using one of our consulting solutions. She is also able to design custom offers for organisations who require a certain premium je ne sais quoi. Head over to the business consulting page to find out more.
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